Thursday 21 January 2016


I get it,
You hate me,
You blame me for all.
I get it,
You're angry,
You'll be my downfall.

I understand that you don't,
I understand that you can't,
I'll allow you to be happy,
I'll allow us to be apart.

I accept that you'll swim,
While I cry and I sink,
I accept that you'll win,
While I break on the brink.

I don't mind that you're ok,
I don't mind that I'm not,
I don't mind that I'm broken,
While you are on top.

Violence, actions and volatile words,
That's all they are, and I'll sing with the birds,
While you walk on earth,
I'll walk on hell,
My words will write the story,
I never got to tell.

Words are my expression,
My own form of escape;
Your story is your story;
Mine is what I create.

You can go and tell others,
If that is what you please;
But don't expect to eradicate
The pain, or make it ease.

Perhaps I am destined for a life of confusion,
Perhaps I am made for your own amusement,
Perhaps you are weak, and that is what I hate,
Perhaps you are strong, full of manipulate.

Do not offer your hand, do not offer your help;
You do not mean it - you just want to yelp.
I do not feel better by bringing you down;
So I'll allow you to smile, while I wear a frown.

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