Thursday, 21 January 2016


All I wanted was a word of help,
It's all you had to do.
You never offered that word of help,
So I beat you black and blue.

It wasn't really my fault you see,
They call it flight or fight.
It wasn't really my choice you see,
It doesn't categorise wrong or right.

How do you think it makes me feel,
To see you sitting down so calm?
How do you think it makes me feel,
Alone in the dark writing psalms.

Psycho, maniac, you are insane;
Why do you choose to inflict this pain?
Why can't you just put me first for one day,
Why won't you just make the pain go away?

Why do I have to beg it and steal,
Why won't you just allow me to feel,
To feel the happiness of warmth and love,
Why are you always the one that's above.

You tell me I abuse, you tell me I demand,
All I ask for is a simple helping hand.
One that I do not have to ask for,
One that I was blessed with before;
Why do you not just ask me if I'm okay,
It would allow me to have such a better day.

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